the supply chain

The systematic use of Sumus® bags generates in a proven way a more sustainable collection chain and a significant economic advantage for municipalities, plants, service managers and citizens.

supply chain

supply chain

a waste collection
that makes a difference

Advantages for
the public administration

It increases the quality of the organic and paper collected, increases the amount of organic and differentiated paper, decreases the distribution of bags for organic and paper waste collection, decreases the weight of the organic fraction thanks to transpiration.

With the decrease in weight, the cost of delivery to the personnel treatment plants and paper platforms decreases; the surface of the bags is widely printable and allows the dissemination of messages and instructions useful to citizens; Over time, the quantities of bags to be supplied decrease and substantial cost savings are achieved in the supply chain that free up resources for other uses (within the collection chains, but also for other purposes).

The continuous use of Sumus bags makes it possible to reduce or not increase the TARI for citizens.

for implants

It gives a pure organic waste and a paper fraction free of foreign elements, eliminating the need for the “bag breaker”, both for the organic fraction and for the paper; Sumus bags for organic are biodigestable: there is full compatibility in organic treatment plants (aerobic and anaerobic) and in paper collection platforms, where there is homogeneity of material Biogas is produced in greater quantities and is of better quality.

The so-called “drag effect” of other types of casings is not created, which must be opened to offer the organic to the processes. Sumus bags minimize process waste and thus increase the exploitation of the plant’s potential.

Benefits for
Collection Operators

The quality of the paper and organic collected is improved, the number of laps and the collection quantities are optimized, the management of the vehicles is improved, the fuel consumption is reduced, the emissions of polluting gases are reduced, the conditions of the operators are improved. No dirty water is transported. 

The management of bag distribution is improved and that of the warehouses is optimized. Sumus bags have no expiration date so there is no risk of having to dispose of pallets of deteriorated product as can happen with bags made of other materials.

for citizens

Fewer bags are used, the weight of the waste is reduced, the volume of the bags is exploited to the fullest (the organic is naturally compacted by reducing its volume up to 50%), bad smells are not produced, sewage is not dispersed, there is no there are bag breaks and waste spills. 

The detailed instructions for use allow you to better manage household or commercial separate waste collection and resolve uncertainties and doubts. Differentiating becomes easier and more productive. Sumus bags, made only of recycled paper, demonstrate in themselves the virtuosity of material recovery and saving of economic and environmental resources.


The Sumus® bag
and the organic
waste collection

The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa with the Bocconi University of Milan have drawn up the Life Cycle Assessment of the Sumus® bag for the collection of wet waste to assess its environmental footprint.
The Sumus® bag has very little impact. Most of the emissions recorded during its production concern the pulping and paper production phase, therefore the preliminary phases of the process that leads to the bag.

The Sumus® bag, perfectly integrated into the waste cycle, acts as a “cleaner” of the environment, making the organic cycle (but also the paper and twigs) more efficient and sustainable.

The Sumus® bag and biogas production

Politecnico di Milano conducted and published in 2018 and 2019 a study on the use of the Sumus® paper bag in the collection cycle for the treatment of organic waste, to evaluate its influence in the compost and biogas production process from organic digestate.

The outcome of the study revealed that paper can produce up to 80% more biomethane than bioplastic.

The Sumus® bag
and the paper
waste collection

Sumus® bags for paper collection allow: high printability, versatility and customization of communication in various languages; virtuous behavior such as separating non-paper packaging from magazines or other unsuitable content; enhancement in the range.

At Comieco (the most remunerated) in the pulping platform, avoiding the need for bag breakers and reducing manual separation operations, with evident savings due to non-removal and labor costs; the increase in the weight and quality of the paper collected.
The bags therefore partly “pay for themselves” in the process itself.

The FSC® certification transmits to the user the message that the paper collected is of legal origin, is actually reused and that forest resources are not affected by it.