paper bags
for biowaste collection

for domestic use

The bags for the separate collection of organic Sumus are resistant to liquids, punctures and breakages and are all fully compostable. The glues and inks used in their production are all water-based and are completely biodegradable. They are all FSC®, “Compostabile CIC”, HPB, Blauer Engel certified.

patented paperbags

The paperbags for the separate collection of biowaste for domestic use also contain several patented solutions that make them safe and extremely effective products:

  • The inner bottom: keeps the bottom of the bag flat, increases the absorbency, the effectiveness of the evaporation and transpiration processes and the resistance to liquids and breakages.
  • The sealing of the bottom: three layers of paper and three layers of gluing. This feature ensures breakage resistance and superior moisture absorption ability.
  •  The foldable flap of the upper edges: keeps the bag always open and adherent to the aerated basket.

videoguide to the use of the paperbag Sumus® also without dedicated basket

you can
use it until


paperbags for the collection of biowaste,
how do you use them?

product data sheet

Available volumes range from 7 to 20 liters. The bag is self-forming flat bottom, with foldable fins and mobile internal back. Recycled 100% post-consumer Havana kraft paper, certified for composting. Water-based glue, black water-based ink with carbon fiber pigment.

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8l nano



use the Sumus®
paperbags with his colleagues

carton box

Sumus®  container, consisting of 2 pieces (stem, lid) square base. Recycled cardboard 100% Italian from separate collection after consumption, certified FSC®. Usable (equipped with 60 lt Sumus bag) for the collection of organic, paper, multi-material, toner, expired drugs…
Altri prodotti

automatic distributor of paperbags
and envelopes

Distributor of  Sumus®  bags for the collection of domestic biowaste and/or bags Sumus® for the collection of paper and/ orplastic bags for the collection of plastic and undifferentiated waste. The capacity is variable depending on the type of bag to be distributed.

Altri prodotti

for non domestic use

The paperbags for the separate collection of biowaste Sumus are resistant to liquids, punctures and breakages and are all fully compostable. The glues and inks used in their production are all water-based and are completely biodegradable. They are all FSC®, “Compostabile CIC”, HPB, Blauer Engel certified

paperbags for the
collection of biowaste,
how do you use them?

non domestic use
product data sheet

The available volumes range from 30 to 360 liters. Sumus®  paperbag with open mouth, with crossed bottom, 100% recycled kraft paper post consumption. Water based glue, black water based ink with carbon fiber pigment

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Altri prodotti


Among the other products, Sumus® has a range of tanks, consisting of at least 70% of post-consumer recycled polyethylene, contained between two layers of virgin polymer, suitable for food contact. They are available in capacities 5, 10, 20 and 25 liters.

product data sheet

Tank Sumus® for exhausted vegetable oils, exhausted mineral oils, liquids even dangerous. Container: Co-extrusion in three stages of polyester with no less than 70% of Rilene contained between two layers of virgin polymer. Cap: Standard DIN 51/55 mm black screw suitable for food contact with EPE. Closing torque 7nm. On request we are available to evaluate companies types of cap and nozzle.

download the product data sheet

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